Wow! The weather outside is frightful. But the class has been delightfully understanding about not being able to play on the icy playground. The children are always so busy that lunchtime arrives before we realize that we haven't been out on the playground.
We did have a lot of fun learning about the Native Americans. The class discovered how easily fiber (twine) can be cut by laying it down on a stone then pounding it with another stone. That is how they cut the twine to sew their little canoes together. Then they each made a little clothespin Indian Brave and Squaw. Many brought in shoe boxes to create a diorama of a village. They cut, colored and pasted trees for a forest around their villages. With sticks glued around the edges of the box they made a fence to keep out the wild animals. Some made a longhouse and many made teepees to shelter the clothespin natives.
Everyone fashioned pots out of red clay. Next we'll try making coil pots.